Below are estimators that will assist you in determining your financial aid eligibility. Please understand that completing these estimators does not take the place of actually 应用ing for financial aid at FAU. Once you receive your offer estimation and you are ready to 应用 for financial aid, please submit the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
的 FAU净价格计算器 is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, 书籍及用品, 食宿(膳食), 以及其他相关费用(减去估计的助学金和奖学金援助),根据上一年类似学生支付的费用支付give当前和未来的学生及其家庭. 现在还有 FAU研究生净价格计算器
指引KU体育财务未来 is a valuable free resource to help学生 and parentstransition to the college experience. 的re are workshops and materials offered aimed at making life easier and more successful for the college journey. Topics such as "School and Life Management" and "Managing Your Budget" are just a few workshops offered.
U.S. 教育部学院领航员 U.S. 教育部 gives current information on KU体育官网APP topics: General 信息rmation, 学费 & Fees, 金融援助, Enrollment, Admission, Retention, Majors, Accredidation and so much more.
According to the Federal 规定 pertaining to the Higher Education Act of 1965 a school must provide information about financial aid, 它的校园, 设施, 学生运动员, 校园安全, 消防安全, 以及防止吸毒和酗酒. 信息rmation will be made available online at: 消费者信息 as well as the option to provide a paper copy if requested.
的 消费者信息 must be distributed annually to enrolled 学生 by October 1st, as well as made available to current employees, perspective employees and perspective 学生. 的 information will be distributed through FAU Office of University Communications.
以下是KU体育官网APP必须根据1965年联邦高等教育法的规定向所有学生提供的消费者信息摘要, 修订的. Each section below gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed. If you would like assistance obtaining a paper copy of the below consumer information or if you have questions about consumer information, please contact one of the following designated employees of the Office of 学生资助:
亚历克斯·劳伦 alaurent@800yyw.com或致电561-297-3528
苏珊娜Paton patons@800yyw.com 或致电561-297-2751
Our representatives may also be contacted by mail at the following address:
学术政策 & 规定
所有学生的政策信息, 分级系统, 接受转学分, and student code of conduct regulations can be found on the 大学目录.
KU体育官网APP offers programs that range from Undergraduate, 研究生, 继续教育. 的 following link will provide information on 如何申请, programs that are offered, and events:
下面是协会的名称, 机构, 和/或认证的政府机构, approve KU体育官网APP and its programs. If you would like to review a copy of accreditation or licensing documents, contact 苏珊娜Paton in the Office of 学生资助 and she will assist you with obtaining this consumer information.
For the last day to drop/add courses and the last day to receive a grade of "W" on transcript with fee liability, 检查 校历. Dropping or adding courses, or changing sections is done in Self-Service through MYFAU. Drops after the drop/add period as indicated on the 校历 are fee liable. 的 student may use Self-Service during the semester to drop or withdraw from a course. A drop or withdrawal after the date indicated on the 校历 will incur an "F" on the student's transcript and the student is still fee liable. FAU's Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal and other relevant policy details are in the 学术政策 section of the 大学目录. 信息rmation about Exceptional Circumstance Withdrawal or Withdrawal from the University can be found in the 大学目录 under section 学费、杂费和退款
酒精 & 戒毒辅导服务
的 mission of the KU体育官网APP Counseling & 心理服务中心是为FAU学生提供及时有效的心理健康服务,使他们能够改善和保持心理健康,从而满足他们的教育需求, 个人, 情感, 心理目标.
作为《KU体育官网APP》的一部分, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by using the “竞技数据分析切削工具中的公平性".
校园犯罪 & 安全信息
大学每年都会发布年度安全报告和年度消防安全报告,其中包含有关校园安全的详细信息,包括紧急服务, 安全提示, 大学政策, 州法律和额外的支持服务. 你可在以下网址查阅报告:
Undergraduate 学生 must drop or withdraw from all but one class through MYFAU by the established deadlines and complete the FAU Complete Course Withdrawal form. 查看 完成退课政策 了解更多信息.
为了庆祝宪法日,FAU列出了一份名单 宪法Dayevents.
“Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, 包括未经授权的点对点文件共享, may subject 学生 to civil and criminal liabilities. 版权侵权是行使权利的行为, 未经许可或法律授权, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). 的se rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. 在文件共享上下文中, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. 在一般情况下, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,每件被侵权作品. For “willful” infringement, a court may offer up to $150,每件被侵权作品. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,每宗罪行五千元. 欲了解更多信息,请参见 U.S. 版权办公室.”
信息rmation about the university’s policies related to the use of copyrighted material: 大学版权政策
的 学位审核报告系统(dar) produces a report reflecting academic progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree in your declared or proposed major. dar报告, 或者学位审核, 展示了KU体育FAU课程, 转让的课程, and courses in progress 应用 toward degree requirements. 学位审核报告是一份内部文件. It should be used as a tool to assist you and your adviser in planning your future coursework. It is not an official certification of your academic record. 欲知详情,请浏览 dar.
Is it true that drug convictions might affect my ability to get federal student aid?
No; your eligibility won’t be suspended. Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. Your eligibility for federal student aid can be affected by incarceration or another type of conviction. 点击这里 了解更多信息.
Educator Preparation Programs - 佛罗里达州教育局
统计数字可在此浏览: 交互式报告工具.
设施 & 残疾学生服务
For information on 设施 and services for disabled 学生 访问: 学生无障碍服务办公室
信息rmation on the University's faculty and instructional personnel is available from the various academic departments; you may 访问 the departments by following the link: 按学院划分的教员 & 学位课程.
教师 & 员工目录
查看教师的联系信息 & 员工按部门或姓名搜索查看 教师 & 员工目录.
家庭教育权利 & 隐私法(FERPA)
FERPA, the 家庭教育权利 and Privacy Act of 1974, 修订的, 及其实施条例, is a “federal law designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the rights of 学生 to inspect and 检查ir educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings.“除了有限的规定例外, 未经学生家长书面许可,教育机构不得发布学生的个人身份信息或非目录信息, or (ii) the student if over the age of 18 or attending a postsecondary institution (an “eligible student”). 佛罗里达州法规第1002条.225和1006.52 offer similar protections and provisions under state law. 点击查看 FERPA形式.
金融援助 can come in the form of federal, state, local, private and institutional funds. Links on 如何申请, types of funding, eligibility criteria can be found at the following links:
信息rmation provided in this section includes: Who can register to vote, 如何申请, 如何更改名称, address, 方联系, 更新签名, 卡替换, 还有要记住的日期. 详情可浏览以下网页: 佛罗里达州选民登记.
FAU Owls Care 健康宣传 offer a variety of 互动工作坊, information, news and events to promote a healthy lifestyle. 欲知详情,请浏览 猫头鹰护理健康促进网站.
Pursuant to Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.001(9), 注册前, each student accepted for admission at KU体育官网APP must submit a signed FAU Immunization Form: 免疫接种政策.
KU体育官网APP is committed and obligated to the principle of institutional control in operating its athletics programs in accordance with the NCAA, 会议, 学校及院系规章制度. 的 charge of the Athletics Compliance Office is to educate, 监控, verify and enforce the NCAA rules compliance with regard to each sport and component within the Athletics Department. 的 Athletic Compliance Office strives to be proactive with education along with having 监控ing systems in place that are effective and user friendly.
Students who have a complaint about their educational experience at KU体育官网APP, and the complaint is not resolved through internal University procedures, 可以联系以下的任何机构 机构投诉处理网页 寻求帮助.
信息rmation about 教学设施 can be found on the 大学目录.
Students are strongly encouraged to first exhaust all Federal Loan options prior to 应用ing for a Private loan. 与联邦贷款计划相比, Private loans are a MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE source of educational financing. 在申请私人贷款之前,建议与父母共同签署申请私人贷款融资的受抚养本科生首先调查联邦PLUS计划提供的选择: 私人学生贷款.
A quick guide to information about the FAU community ranging from degrees offered, 学位课程, KU体育, 平均班级人数, 在线课程, 等. 可浏览以下连结: 快速的事实
仅限本科学位申请学生:当学生退出除一门课程外的所有课程并向学生办公室院长提交FAU完整课程退课表时,学生正式退出大学. Once the Dean of Students Office has contacted the student, the FAU Complete Course Withdrawal form is then signed and returned by the Dean of Students to the Office of the Registrar, and the Registrar will withdraw the student from the final class.
正式或非正式退出大学的本科生和研究生经济援助接受者可能需要根据退出日期或大学记录中记录的参加学术相关活动的最后日期偿还全部或部分赠款和贷款, depending on whichever date more accurately reflects the student’s ceased attendance.
您必须偿还的联邦援助金额由联邦第四章资金返还公式(高等教育法第484B条)确定-全文可在以下网站找到: http://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-B/chapter-VI/part-668/subpart-B/section-668.22. This law also specifies the order in which funds are to be returned to the financial aid programs from which they were offered, 从贷款项目开始.
如果你从学校退学, your eligibility for Federal Title IV funds (Pell Grant, SEOG, 帕金斯贷款, and Direct 贷款) will be recalculated based on your last date of attendance at an academically related activity as documented by University records. If you were originally enrolled in multiple parts of term, your last date of attendance would ONLY include all days attended in any parts of term within the semester, 不包括任何重叠的出席日. 您所获得的联邦第四章资助金额将由您有资格获得的联邦第四章资助总额乘以您所参加的学期天数的百分比(不包括在您的课程学术日历上分类为5天或以上的计划休息天数)确定。. If the calculated amount of Federal Title IV aid earned exceeds the amount disbursed, you may receive a post-withdrawal disbursement for the difference. If the amount of Federal Title IV aid disbursed exceeds the calculated amount earned, you will be required to repay an amount of the disbursed aid which exceeds the calculated earned amount.
的 responsibility for returning unearned Title IV aid is shared between the University and you. FAU将根据联邦法规将已支付但未获得的联邦第四章助学金退还give经济援助账户,并将退还的金额记入学生账户.
佛罗里达光明未来 Recipients: 佛罗里达光明未来 Recipients will be required to repay any 佛罗里达光明未来 funding received for withdrawn courses.
信息rmation pertaining to KU体育官网APP retention, 毕业率和完成率可以查看 retention, graduation and completion rates report.
有关更多信息,请访问 国际能源署ipads网站. 要查看这些费率,请查看 retention, graduation and completion rates summary.
Graduation Rate of Pell grant, Subsidized, Unsubsidized loan receipients
有关学生活动的资料,请浏览网页 学生活动 & 参与.
For information and/or statistics about the diversity of the University Student Body use the following links below:
州立大学系统理事会认识到,确保学生经济援助过程的完整性对于在佛罗里达州提供公平和负担得起的高等教育至关重要. 因此, 校董会已正式制定了以下指导原则,这些原则应立即生效,并必须由每所大学的校董会尽快采纳. 的se guidelines are designed to avoid any potential for a conflict of interest between the University, its 学生 or their parents in the student financial aid process. 相应的, each University shall take all reasonable steps to adhere to the following principles in the University’s financial aid operations: More Details can be found at 学生贷款行为准则
学生有责任在海外机构上课的第一周内通知国际项目办公室(OIP)他们的海外学习项目课程时间表的任何变化. 如果不这样做,可能会被罚款100美元.00 late registration fee for classes added or dropped after the published deadlines and a $100 late payment fee. Students may also be held liable for tuition for those courses that are dropped or added late. This pertains to all 学生 who are registered at FAU for overseas programs. Overseas transcripts must be sent to the OIP for processing. FAU reserves the right to request a professional transcript evaluation if deemed necessary at the student’s expense. Course petitions must be complete prior to departure. 的 grade(s) 学生 earn abroad is/are the grade(s) transferred to your FAU GPA. OIP will not guarantee credit for courses that were not approved for credit. 学生有责任以书面形式通知OIP任何时间表更改,并在更改时间表之前等待课程已批准学分的通知. Making changes without prior approval could result in those courses not being recognized for credit. 金融援助: Students may be able to use their financial aid for study abroad. 在国内机构批准的海外学习项目的注册可以被视为在国内机构注册,以申请第四章援助. 的 amount of the financial aid offered and its availability will be determined by the Office of 金融援助. A student needs to have a current FAFSA on file in order to 应用 for funding. If funding is offered the student must go online and accept his/her offer. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all paperwork required by financial aid has been completed prior to their departure; this includes but is not limited to signing their promissory note. 进一步, any student using financial aid must notify the Office of International Programs of their offer and provide a copy of the offer letter. 课程审批, 瞬态形式, and petitions must be completed prior to departure for your aid to release. 的 required 金融援助 Survey which is sent to your FAU email account each term, 对于你注册的每门课程, must be completed during the first week of classes at FAU. Even if you are overseas already, you must do this for your aid to release. For more information on how FAU financial aid works for study abroad, please consult the 特别节目指南. 成绩单和经济资助: Overseas transcripts may take up to several months to arrive at FAU and be posted to a student’s academic record. 的 temporary absence of grades may affect the offering and release of further financial aid, 包括光明未来, 佩尔助学金, 奖学金, 助学金和学生贷款. 在参加FAU交换项目的学生到达后,OIP会立即处理他们的成绩单,并在成绩发布到学生账户后通知学生和经济援助. Students going on affiliated programs or to a direct enroll location are responsible for obtaining their overseas transcript and sending it to the Registrar for recording. 当通知, OIP will assist a student having difficulty getting a transcript in a reasonable timeframe. All 学生 are responsible for any follow-up with financial aid after a time abroad, to ensure the timely release of any pending or future financial aid.
A 转学生指南 book is available for each college listing both lower-division requirements as well as requirements for the college and major. For a list of institutions with which FAU has an articulation agreement view the 与FAU文件的衔接协议. 欲知详情,请浏览 转学生指南.
学费信息, additional university fees as well as policy on refund of registration fees can be found at 学费、杂费和退款.
For information on the pricing of textbooks and materials for all classes 访问: KU体育官网APP书店.
Types Of 研究生 And Professional Education In Which 研究生s Of FAU Four-Year 学位课程s Enroll
的 财政援助词汇表 will help you understand key terms as it relates to financial aid.
- 毕业率= 49.6%
- 贷款违约率= 3.2%
- 媒体n Borrowing for Undergraduate Study = $16,800
- Federal Loan Payment over 10 Years for $16,800 = approximately $178.每月60英镑
Students may access their 个人 shopping sheet:
- 签署 MYFAU 用KU体育FAU证书
- 点击/轻按“钱的问题!“瓦
- 点击/轻按“查看我的经济援助信息“瓦
- 点击/轻按“购物单“瓦
For general information regarding the 购物单 view the 美国教育部购物单信息.
新 学费减免和费用减免 2014年7月1日起实施.
Please check the following website resources for additional financial aid opportunities:
- Division of Colleges and Universities - Florida Board of Education
- 网上的FAFSA
- fastWEB奖学金搜索
- 经济援助信息页面
- 佛罗里达光明期货奖学金项目
- 佛罗里达州教育局
- 佛罗里达学生奖学金 & 奖助金
- JobCorps
- National Association of 学生资助 Administrators (学生/家长)
- 美国国家教育统计中心.S. 教育部
- 国家学生贷款数据系统
- 指引KU体育财务未来
增加项目 (Reaching Individual Success and Empowerment)
Designed as an educational enhancement program that promotes academic success and 个人 growth for first-generation and traditionally underserved 学生. RISE计划提供学术机会, 社会, 文化, and leadership opportunities that impact traditionally underserved student populations. - 义务兵役
- 联邦学生援助的学生门户网站
- 大学理事会
- U.S. 教育部 - 金融援助 for Students